The Must-Know Rule of the Week – ROTW#1

Welcome to Rule of the Week! For the last week I’ve been searching categorizing and analyzing The Legion Discord’s rule questions channel to try and get a pulse on what Legion players are most interested in this week with regards to the rules! This post covers 01 March, 2023 through 07 March, 2023.

This first chart shows the entirety of the rules questions for the week. Some questions asked fit into one, two or even three categories.

People asked a wide array of questions, but one immediately began to pop out as the Rule of the Week! This time, our Rule of the Week is about Vehicle Silhouettes! You can find the beginning of the vehicle silhouette rules on page 27 of the CRB. There, on the second half of the the page it describes their creation:

A few of these questions were about what exactly qualifies as “the vehicle’s hull” as it seems pretty subjective. The answer is, though subjective, the rules allow for players to discuss what counts as the hull and what the bounds of the cylindrical shape of the silhouette actually look like. A common additional question, one that I heard as the head judge for The Golden Sprue in New York, was if the portions of the model that hang outside of a vehicles base no longer count. The answer to this is yes, they no longer count as part of the vehicle as they are not a part of the silhouette. This can be very apparent for a model like the A-A5 Speeder Truck as the model is longer than the base. If you’re checking for obscuration, line of sight may be drawn through pieces of the hull that are outside the bounds of the base and not block LOS and not provide cover. Making the silhouette for repulsor vehicles is a slightly different process. The process in the Repulsor Vehicle section on page 38 is as follows: “When determining the silhouette of a repulsor vehicle, create a cylinder above the base that begins at the lowest point of the miniature and extends to the top of the vehicle’s hull—do not include things like antennas weapons, the base, the clear plastic stand, or crew members when creating this cylinder.” Following these instructions should leave you with a silhouette that resembles a thin cylindrical shape disc, floating above the base.

Additionally on page 27 we have another important rule to note for this question. “The silhouettes of miniatures in vehicle units block LOS.” This is clarified further on page 37 and 38 where exceptions are added. The exceptions is that repulsor vehicles DO NOT block LOS, obscure, or provide cover. However, some vehicles have the unit keyword Hover: Ground. These repulsor units are treated as ground vehicles for all LOS purposes (which includes silhouette creation), moving through other units, and displacement, but are repulsor vehicles in all other game effects.

Thank you for reading! Join me next Wednesday when I will declare yet another Rule of the Week.